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Anna is Finland’s largest weekly magazine for women. High quality content offers advertisers with various opportunities to reach their ideal target group through a print magazine issued 49 times per year, an active online service, as well as, several social media channels. Readers of Anna enjoy content that benefits them – especially stories focused on health and well-being, fashion, beauty, food ...


Apu tours the country and tells what is really going on in Finland. Apu is well-known by everyone and offers good reading material, discussion topics and useful information every week. In addition to the topical articles, the magazine’s regular themes include health and travelling. Each issue ends with an enchanting nature story and three times a year the readers get a rich section full of fascina...

Apu Terveys

Apu Terveys offers reliable, practical information about health, weight watching, exercise, food and nutrition. The people making the magazine are the field’s best professionals and the experts are Finnish top researchers and doctors. The reader: Adult women and men interested in their own health and the health of their loved ones.


Avotakka opens the doors to the most beautiful homes in Finland and abroad. The number one decorator of Finnish homes and a fountain of inspiration is full of solutions tested by professionals and loaded with tips and experiences. Avotakka shows the newest trends of decorating and housing, the best furniture, the finest surfacing materials, antique treasures and the most stylish ideas for your own...


Deko is an open-minded, relaxed, and admired modern interior design magazine. Its strong atmosphere works for both small and large home. Hilarious ideas meet practical and insightful solutions. Deko readers are young or youthful urbanites who enjoy a beautiful home, design, travel, and art. Deko introduces the most interesting people, the best home ideas, and guides and advises on how to decorate ...


The high-quality and respected Eeva offers interesting and topical interviews, emotional survival stories, fascinating travel articles, stories about personal homes and food articles that tickle the senses. Feminine fashion, beauty and health as well as various relationships are also part of Eeva's topics selection. The reader: Quality-conscious woman, who invests in herself and her lifestyle.


Erä is Finland’s biggest magazine for fishing enthusiasts and those who enjoy the outdoors. The reader is prepared to see the effort in acquiring experiences. With proper equipment, one can get the most out of outdoors and fishing and Erä’s tests or comparisons will help the reader in choosing fishing and camping equipment. Among the readers, there are both long-distance Lappland hiking enthusiast...


ET readers are the fastest growing, diverse target group, living the wonderful and rich life signed by the happiness U-curve. Both mentally and literally. ET reaches active adult readers who have both time, money and a willingness to invest in their own well-being and that of their loved ones. ET talks to its target audience about important and interesting issues related to their very stage of lif...


The most fabulous women’s magazine and the biggest fashion magazine in Finland, this lifestyle brand embracing a wonderful life is visually bold, stylish, beautiful and optimistic. Gloria always walks on the sunny side of the street and fights against the gloom – we want to show that there is beauty and good in this world and that life is enjoyed! In addition to fashion and beauty, Gloria also fea...

Glorian ruoka & viini

The biggest and most renowned food magazine in Finland celebrates the joys of good food. Glorian ruoka & viini offers good food for every day of the week – quick and tasty recipes for everyday life and slower flavours for the weekend. The magazine combines wine and food in a practical way by making drink recommendations for recipes, wine tips and practical information on combining wine and food. G...


Hymy is Finland’s most diverse entertainment magazine containing, among other things, revealing articles on celebrities, real stories about ordinary people, our war heroes and current topics. The readers of Hymy are ordinary, active people and considerate shoppers.

Hyvä terveys

The most popular and trusted wellbeing media in Finland helps its readers to feel better and gives energy in life. Hyvä terveys provides researched knowledge about health, peer support and stories, motivation for life changes and help for coping with everyday life. The magazine is produced in cooperation with The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim. The readers of Hyvä terveys invest in personal well...


Image takes hold of the most important topics, interesting people and surprising ideas. It brings up emotions and offers tools for discussion: what should you be enthusiastic about right now, what to watch, read and listen to, where to travel, what to eat and what to buy. Image is a unique media environment. The reader: Urban forerunners who are the first to test the newest products and services.

Kauneus & Terveys

Kauneus & Terveys is a forward-looking woman's guide to feeling good. It helps the reader to bring out the best in them and offers topical information on matters related to looks, health, exercise, nutrition and weight watching. Kauneus & Terveys is lively and close to everyday life – without forgetting the dreams. The reader: Active, working-age women who are interested in wellbeing and beauty.


Kippari is a magazine for those who enjoy the speed of the motorboat, splashes or other fun activities. The magazine provides valuable information on boats to those interested in boating, hiking, fishing or for those sailing to their island cottages in any weather conditions. The magazine’s tests and measurements reveal how the motor boat can be driven in the right position and economically. In ad...

Kodin Kuvalehti

Kodin Kuvalehti is one of the largest women’s magazines and the largest household magazine in Finland. Kodin Kuvalehti reaches those who make everyday purchase decisions nation-wide. Its readers decide what the family will eat, what will be bought for their home and where the family will go on holiday. They also invest in personal beauty and wellbeing and that of their loved ones. Authentic life, ...


Kotiliesi offers ideas and inspiration for women, from grandmothers to granddaughters. Food, health, housing, gardening, and handicrafts are the specialties of Finland’s oldest magazine brand. is one of the largest magazine websites in Finland. It reaches Finnish women of all ages, 21.5 per cent of whom are aged 20-34. Kotiliesi is the number one independent media about food online. ...

Kotiliesi Käsityö

In every issue, Kotiliesi Käsityö offers multiple sets of instructions for readers interested in handicraft and fashion. The sewing pattern collection is a wardrobe tailored to Finnish women by Finnish designers, and contains the broadest collection of sizes in the country (32-50). In addition, every other issue always contains a separate plus size collection (44-56). The Sewing School teaches han...


Kotivinkki (“Home Tip”) is a magazine for home lovers that is packed with inspiration and the joy of home life. The magazine’s readers are those who make everyday purchasing decisions: they decide what to buy from food shops and how they want their home to look. The magazine’s themes are interior design, cooking, baking, DIY ideas, relationships and psychological wellbeing. Kotivinkki also covers ...


The little scholar’s own magazine and online media The reader of Koululainen is a knowledge-hungry primary school student. With stories about idols and hobbies and topics about books, music, and games one is enticed to read their very own magazine from cover to cover and grab tips about free time. In addition to a print magazine published 12 times a year, Koululainen has an active website. Koulul...


Maalla is a romantic countryside lifestyle and interior design magazine that showcases beautiful homes and a rural lifestyle. The reader of Maalla magazine loves decorating, doing things with their hands, and gardening. They are interested in traditional building materials and are hungry for ideas for renovating the home and yard and for utilizing natural materials. Each issue has an inspiring do-...


Maku helps the readers succeed in the kitchen and encourages them to eat better. Each issue has at least 50 recipes: everyday meals, festive ideas and the season’s best ingredients. Additionally, the magazine has wine tips, culinary travel stories, home appliance tests and food news. The reader: Women interested in cooking and baking, who look for food inspiration for day-to-day life and celebrati...

Me Naiset

Me Naiset offers inspiration and good mood in the midst of a rush. The magazine is a sure choice when you want to have a good time, relax and immerse yourself in people's stories. Every week, Me Naiset has a good-natured and insightful read: the magazine is the first to tell you about the most interesting topics, phenomena and trends. Me Naiset is involved in every turn of a woman's life. With...

Meidän Mökki

Meidän Mökki is the largest Finnish brand of recreational housing. This warm-hearted companion of a holiday-home owner is a diverse and practical guide to recreational housing and encourages and instructs the readers in all procurements of recreational housing. The reader: Finnish holiday-home owners and those interested in cabin life, active cabin enthusiasts who are willing to invest more than a...

Meidän Talo

Meidän Talo is the go-to media for family home residents; it helps interior decorators, gardeners, builders and renovators to make smart choices. Meidän Talo offers its readers both useful information and inspiring ideas on how to make their life in a detached house even better. The reader: Residents and builders of detached houses as well as men and women dreaming of their own house who see livin...

Metsästys ja Kalastus

Understanding nature is essential whenever visiting the wilderness. Metsästys ja Kalastus tells about the current phenomena for the hobbies of each season. Modern hunters and anglers use many methods and different gear. Readers are passionate about their hobby and invest time and money in equipment and trips. Metsästys ja Kalastus experiments, compares, and measures tools and gear, and provides re...


Mondo serves the readers on their travels, shares inspiring stories and gives new travelling ideas. It tests, chooses and recommends. Mondo tells about new destinations, finds the new aspects of already familiar places and gives the best tips to make travelling easier, with regards to equipment, devices, travelling cosmetics and applications, for example. The reader: All Finns who are extensively ...


Rakennuslehti is a news and trade journal launched in 1966. The journal is aimed at construction engineers employed as managers, designers and foremen in construction, graduate and nongraduate engineers and other decision-makers in the construction industry.


Seiska is the leading Finnish entertainment and TV magazine. It attracts almost one million readers week after week. By advertising in Seiska, you can reach your target audience quickly and comprehensively. The magazine is known for its bold, extensive content. Each new issue is eagerly awaited and guaranteed to be read from cover to cover. Seiska does not leave you cold: the hottest topics and th...


Seura touches and entertains every week with an interesting and varied reading package. A subscriber to Seura does not need specialized magazines. It tells the survival stories of ordinary Finns and at the same time sharply tackles social grievances. Seura also meets public figures as well as royalty. Rich health content, nature, food, and travel stories, a crossword and game package, and a separa...

Suomen Kuvalehti

he current and impartial Suomen Kuvalehti provides reliable background to domestic and world events in the magazine and digital service. Suomen Kuvalehti’s articles are in-depth, enjoyable top-level narratives from the pens of award-winning journalists from many competitions. Therefore, the average reading time of an issue of Suomen Kuvalehti is long, as much as 86 minutes. Suomen Kuvalehti is dis...


Taloustaito Magazine – Personal Finance and Investment Taloustaito is the largest business magazine in the Nordics with a monthly circulation of 232 310 (2022, Finnish Audit Bureau of Circulations). Taloustaito focuses on personal finance and gives insight into taxation, family law, private investments, stocks and mutual funds, insurance, housing, cars, and property management. The readership i...

Tekniikan Maailma

Tekniikan Maailma is the most trusted, useful, and versatile technology and science media in Finland. Our readers are better off than average, and they know that Tekniikan Maailma provides information that is useful. TM tests and compares the most significant products from key areas such as cars, mobile devices, entertainment electronics, information technology, cameras, household appliances, and ...

TM Rakennusmaailma

TM Rakennusmaailma is a specialty magazine for those interested in home construction and renovation. Its readers want to know about the many methods of construction and renovation as well as about products and tools. The readers of the magazine are experienced enthusiasts and professionals who are educated and above-average earners. An essential part of TM Rakennusmaailma’s content are the various...


Trendi is a digital media platform for women who are interested in fashion, beauty, relationships, and work life. Trendi’s inspiring newsletter provides weekly updates on new trends, and all the latest videos, articles, and podcasts can be found on the website Trendi’s fashion articles offer inspiring insights into finding your own style, mixing and matching clothing, and discovering wo...


Tuulilasi is for the Finnish motorists. It offers reliable and objective information and helps the reader make the right choices. The diverse tests and comparisons of Tuulilasi evaluate cars from the perspective of Finnish conditions. Tests are carried out by Ossi Oikarinen, a familiar name in the Formula 1 world. The reader: Men who are passionate about cars and driving.


In TV-maailma, the reader will find an extensive range of program reviews and presentations, as well as the weekly program information. Movies, series, documentaries, the critics’ choices, sports pieces, and excerpts from the offerings of online TV, paid channels, and radio are real useful information for the reader, in addition to entertaining interviews. The reader wants experiences, stories, in...

Unelmien Talo&Koti

Unelmien Talo&Koti (“House&Home of Dreams”) is Finland’s most cheerful interior design magazine, full of lovingly decorated homes, affordable design finds and inspiring DIY ideas. Readers of UTK like to refresh their homes continuously by purchasing items and doing things themselves – they often spend more in shops than they had planned to, and they are passionate about the magazine: “The only mag...


Vene magazine and its readers appreciate the joy of being out on the water, whether it’s the sea or a lake, a sailboat or motorboat, a kayak or sailboard, a jet ski or a rowing boat. The Vene reader is also ready to learn new things and invest time and money in their hobbies. Some of nature’s pleasures come from seafood on the plate, either self-cooked or ordered in a good restaurant. Vene readers...


The magazine Viherpiha has undergone a stunning reform. Every trendy issue is now glue bound. In this magazine, the best Finnish experts give advice on how to make your summer plants, shrubs, trees and house plants flourish. Skilled home gardeners show how they have realised their dream gardens. ViherPiha gives a refreshing boost even for those whose own garden is so far only a dream. People livin...

Voi Hyvin

Voi hyvin is a brand of a happy way of life, which offers concrete tips for a fashionably comfortable lifestyle and has an alternative perspective to health and beauty, nutrition, exercise and wellbeing. In every issue, Voi hyvin has at least 101 ideas for a happy life. The reader: An active woman who takes good care of herself, wants to increase her physical and mental wellbeing and improve her q...


Yhteishyvä is read by the members of the cooperative societies that make up the S-Group. The magazine is part of retail media. Readers find information on benefits for co-op members, information to support their purchase decisions and hints and ideas for a good life. The magazine also features interesting articles on various subjects, entertainment and inspiration. Yhteishyvä has national ...