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There are about 600.000 forest owners in Finland and the Aarre-magazine is targeted to them and all forest and nature enthusiastic Finns. There will be varied articles on benefits and recreational aspects of forest such as food, home decoration, building, well-being and managing your own economy. Each number will have the latest news on the forest markets and the latest research information.


Erä is Finland’s biggest magazine for fishing enthusiasts and those who enjoy the outdoors. The reader is prepared to see the effort in acquiring experiences. With proper equipment, one can get the most out of outdoors and fishing and Erä’s tests or comparisons will help the reader in choosing fishing and camping equipment. Among the readers, there are both long-distance Lappland hiking enthusiast...


Latu & Polku is the biggest outdoor magazine in Finland - over 130 000 readers per issue. Latu & Polku Magazine covers travelling, trekking, recreational sports, and outdoor activities.


Maitotalous is a magazine for members of an association of employees in the dairy and creamery sector. The members have been trained for various roles in dairies and creameries and their associated laboratories and testing facilities. The contents of the magazine focus on matters with a bearing on the membership, news from the labour market as well as developments in the dairy and creamery sector.


Metsälehti is a specialist magazine for forest owners and those interested in forests. The magazine contains a wide range of articles, tests and background information relating to forest ownership, timber trade, forest management and forestry in general. The core of our online presence is in Forestry News, which we publish every weekday. Our website also holds a lively discussion forum, Metsämaa f...

Metsälehti Makasiini

Metsälehti Makasiini is published eight times per year and is distributed to all subscribers of Metsälehti. It can also be subscribed to separately and is available on newsstands for individual purchases. Metsälehti Makasiini is aimed at new, often city-dwelling, forest owners. It provides comprehensive and understandable information on various topics relating to forestry.

Metsästys ja Kalastus

Understanding nature is essential whenever visiting the wilderness. Metsästys ja Kalastus tells about the current phenomena for the hobbies of each season. Modern hunters and anglers use many methods and different gear. Readers are passionate about their hobby and invest time and money in equipment and trips. Metsästys ja Kalastus experiments, compares, and measures tools and gear, and provides re...


Metsätrans covers everything and anything from forest processing to hauling wood. Topics of the magazine include legislation, traffic, news of the field of industry and novelties among other things. Focus group: everyone who works within industry or it otherwise interested about it.


Nauta, Cattle in english, is a professional magazine aimed at livestock farms. Nauta contains articles of dairy and beef cattle’s daily life, breeding, feeding, management, health, economy and environment. Nauta is a magazine for professional farmers who develop their farms and look to the future.


Poromies magazine is a special journal for reindeer herders and interest groups. It is also intended for people who are interested in reindeer husbandry. Journal is published four times a year.


Puumies is the leading and highly respected journal in Finnish wood products industry. The readers of Puumies are decision makers and professionals working in sawmill industry, plywood industry, wood construction, furniture and joinery industries, forestry and timber trade. The readers are entrepreneurs, managers, directors, specialists, teachers, designers, researches and sales and marketing peop...

Suomen Eläinlääkärilehti

For members of the Finnish Veterinary Association and its contact groups..

Suomen Luonto

Suomen Luonto “Nature of Finland” is Finland’s largest nature magazine. The magazine is published by The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation. The editor in chief is Mr. Heikki Vasamies. Suomen Luonto deals with current topics in nature and environment and delivers both news and in-depth articles about Finnish nature. The magazine has ten issues per year. It has a circulation of o...

Tiede Luonto

Tiede Luonto, which has become the most popular nature magazine, provides information and experiences about nature and the environment with an immersive touch. Visually impressive Tiede Luonto combines information based on reliable research and entertaining content in a way that interests the reader. A wide range of nature-related topics, from animal behaviour to climate change and stunning nature...

Vapaa-ajan Kalastaja

Vapaa-ajan Kalastaja, meaning "Leisure Angler" is a high-quality organisation magazine devoted to comprehensive coverage of sport angling. The information it contains includes various modes of fishing, handling fish, places to fish, new gear as well as legislation and official decisions.