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'Kauppias' is a member magazine of the K-Retailers' Association. The readers include K-retailers, Kesko's management and Kesko employees holdin positions of trust in the K-Retailers' Association.

Kehittyvä kauppa

Retail trade magazine. It promotes activities that make K-retailership a competitive asset for the K-Alliance and supports the implementation of the K-store values. A part of the Master Assistant Training.


Samarbete is the sister publication of Yhteishyvä in Swedish. Its readers appreciate the convenience of getting information on co-op member benefits and new products in their own language.


Ässä is a trade magazine read by 40,000 S Group personnel. It provides fresh information and background information on the business operations and HR management of the S Group and on wellbeing in general. The magazine monitors events and developments in the retail trade in Finland and abroad. Using Ässä your message reaches trade and service professionals, and it is a great campaign medium for new...