Kansikuva VIVA 2024


Viva encourages adult Finns to enjoy life in all its forms. Viva’s heartfelt reports have nostalgia and shared experiences. Extensive personal stories discuss the joys and sorrows of life without beating around the bush. Viva guides and inspires its readers to exercise, take care of themselves, and find their best style. The magazine offers colourful cultural and travel stories as well as a wealth of useful information on health, housing, saving, retirement, and inheritance issues. With these topics, Viva addresses not only the adult woman but also the men in her life.

Viva values its reader, who is an active agent and is able to invest in their quality of life in many ways – including financially. The reader engages in tourism and culture, reads a lot, manages their health in a variety of ways, nurtures their relationships, and takes care of their loved ones.

Issues per year

12 issues per year

Magazine in Social Media


Issue Issue Booking Date Material Date Themes and info
1 3.1.2024 7.12.2023 12.12.2023 Savings tips for single household. Readers’ best savings tips. Bold solutions for senior living. Breathing stalls – what is it about? Make cleaning your home easier with new tools.
2 31.1.2024 9.1.2024 12.1.2024 This is how I found a friend. Improve your pension. How do I avoid data security pitfalls? Control your back pain.
3 6.3.2024 13.2.2024 16.2.2024 Cherish the old. Prevent osteoporosis, strengthen your bones. Make a senior’s home safe. Know the widow’s rights and responsibilities.
4 3.4.2024 8.3.2024 13.3.2024 Life change extra. How to get in the best shape you have ever been. Are weight loss pills right for me? Keep health costs moderate. Improve and cool the indoor air in your home.
5 2.5.2024 9.4.2024 12.4.2024 Strength from the family. Alleviate arrhythmias. Should I rent a party outfit? How to sensibly assist your loved ones financially.
6 5.6.2024 14.5.2024 17.5.2024 Roots on countryside. How do you make dental implants last? Find your way with a navigator or map apps.
7 3.7.2024 10.6.2024 13.6.2024 Love wins. We became a cohabiting couple: how do I secure my money? Keep your mucous membranes healthy.
8 7.8.2024 16.7.2024 19.7.2024 New beginnings. From couch potato to outdoor person. How to cut insurance and banking costs.
9 4.9.2024 13.8.2024 16.8.2024 Back to the 60s. Good treatment for glaucoma. Store important papers wisely.
10 2.10.2024 10.9.2024 13.9.2024 Retirement extra. What changes are coming? This is how the pension is taxed. Relief from flatulence.
11 6.11.2024 15.10.2024 18.10.2024 Make your dreams come true. Living with insomnia. Help for restless legs.
12 4.12.2024 12.11.2024 15.11.2024 Life after a loss. Swallowing hurts, is it Parkinson’s disease? Save money and nerves when clearing the estate.

Ei aikatauluja vuodelle 2025.


Ad Placement Size Bleed Price (tax 0%)
2/1 landscape Not specified 460 x 297 mm 5 mm 8 270 €
1/1 portrait Not specified 230 x 297 mm 5 mm 4 590 €
1/1 portrait 2. Cover 230 x 297 mm 5 mm 5 060 €
1/1 portrait 3. Cover 230 x 297 mm 5 mm 5 060 €
1/1 portrait Back cover 230 x 297 mm 5 mm 5 060 €
1/2 Pysty portrait Not specified 111 x 297 mm 5 mm 3 120 €
1/2 vaaka landscape Not specified 230 x 146 mm 5 mm 3 120 €
1/4 Pysty portrait Not specified 61 x 297 mm 5 mm 2 300 €
1/4 vaaka landscape Not specified 230 x 70 mm 5 mm 2 300 €
1/4 neliö square Not specified 111 x 146 mm 5 mm 2 300 €
*) size without marginal Prices valid until 31.12.2024

230 x 297 mm

Printing method





PunaMusta Oy

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Varauksen yhteydessä mainostajalle/aineiston toimittajalle lähtee sähköposti sisältäen linkin aineistontoimitusta varten. Linkkiin sisältyy kaikki kampanjaan/varaukseen liittyvät mediat.

ICC profile

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Terms of delivery

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Ad Placement Size Bleed Price (tax 0%)
Prices valid until 31.12.2024

230 x 297 mm

Printing method





PunaMusta Oy

Delivery of ad material and instructions

Varauksen yhteydessä mainostajalle/aineiston toimittajalle lähtee sähköposti sisältäen linkin aineistontoimitusta varten. Linkkiin sisältyy kaikki kampanjaan/varaukseen liittyvät mediat.

ICC profile

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Terms of delivery

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Ad Description Size Price (tax 0%) lisatietoa
Desktop 980×400 px 30 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Desktop 980×120 px 12 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Desktop 300×250 px 8 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Desktop 300×500 px 12 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Desktop 300×750 px 16 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Desktop 468×400 px 10 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Desktop 560×400 px 14 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Desktop 160×600 px 8 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Desktop px 18 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Mobile 300×300 px 18 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Mobile 300×150 px 12 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Mobile 300×150 px 14 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Mobile px 18 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Desktop 980x552 px 40 € / CPM (Cost per thousand)
Prices valid until 31.12.2024
Ad Description Size Price (tax 0%) lisatietoa
Prices valid until 31.12.2024


63 700
Total reach
69 400
How many times read
Minutes of reading
79 min
Source: NRS 2024
Source: NRS 2024
Audience in digital and print
Source: NRS 2024
Source: NRS 2024
Municipality type
Source: NRS 2024
Source: NRS 2024
Gross household income, daily purchases
Source: NRS 2024

NRS Facts

Reader profile All 15+ % Magazine Readers % Amount of readers
Sex Women 51 87 55 400
Men 49 13 8 300
Native language Finnish 95 97 61 800
Swedish 5 3 1 900
Age 15-24 y 13 1 600
25-34 y 14 0 0
35-44 y 14 2 1 300
45-54 y 14 3 1 900
55-64 y 16 9 5 700
65+ y 30 84 53 500
Gender + age Female 15-29 years 10 1 600
Female 30-49 years 14 3 1 900
Female 50+ years 28 83 52 900
Male 15-29 years 10 0 0
Male 30-49 years 15 0 0
Male 50+ years 24 13 8 300
Household position Lives at home with parents 7 1 600
Lives alone 29 37 23 600
Lives with spouse 36 50 31 800
Lives with spouse and children 24 5 3 200
Single parent 3 1 600
Other 3 5 3 200
Grandchildren under 18 years of age Yes 20 41 26 100
No 39 56 35 700
No answer (under 45 year olds) 41 4 2 500
Education Elementary school 5 12 7 600
Secondary school 6 14 8 900
Vocational 28 30 19 100
High school 14 8 5 100
University of Applied Sciences 20 10 6 400
University 26 23 14 700
Something else 2 2 1 300
Decision-maker in grocery purchases Yes 93 93 59 200
No 7 6 3 800
Can not say 1 1 600
Use of glasses or contact lenses Yes 68 89 56 700
No 32 11 7 000
Size of the household 1 pers 29 42 26 800
2 pers 38 51 32 500
3 pers 14 4 2 500
4 pers 12 2 1 300
5+ pers 7 1 600
Household income (gross) Below 20 000 € /y 11 10 6 400
20 000 - 35 000 € /y 18 33 21 000
35 001 - 50 000 € /y 19 24 15 300
50 001 - 85 000 € /y 21 9 5 700
85 001 - 100 000 € /y 8 2 1 300
Over 100 000 € /y 10 4 2 500
Dont want to tell 5 12 7 600
Cant say / No answer 8 5 3 200
Family with kids Yes 32 6 3 800
No 68 94 59 900
13 4 2 500
13 1 600
5 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
68 94 59 900
0 0 0
Pets in household Cat 17 12 7 600
Dog 26 17 10 800
Some other pet 5 1 600
No pets 60 74 47 100
Health services used in the household Public health services 85 93 59 200
Employer - funded health care services 50 10 6 400
Private, self-funded healthcare services 38 49 31 200
Private health insurance services 24 10 6 400
No health care 1 1 600
Can not say 1 0 0
Housing Apartment 32 32 20 400
Row house or semi-detached house 15 17 10 800
Detached house 47 42 26 800
Farm 5 7 4 500
Something else 1 2 1 300
Can not say 0 0 0
Ownership of housing Owner-occupied residence 77 87 55 400
Rented residence 19 9 5 700
Right of residence apartment 2 3 1 900
Something else 1 1 600
Can not say 1 0 0
Cottage or holiday home in regular use Yes 41 45 28 700
No 58 55 35 000
Can not say 1 0 0
Number of cars in household One car 46 58 36 900
Two cars 31 24 15 300
Three or more cars 10 2 1 300
No car 14 16 10 200
Type of car, if buying now New 21 26 16 600
Used 68 61 38 900
Company car 4 0 0
Leasing (personal) 8 6 3 800
Shared car 3 4 2 500
Doesn't use a car 9 13 8 300
Can not say 5 4 2 500
Advertising ban at the door / mailbox Yes 26 16 10 200
No 74 84 53 500
Can not say 0 0 0
Using AdBlocker or similar application Yes 19 5 3 200
No 76 88 56 100
Can not say 5 7 4 500
Type of municipality (7 class) Greater Helsinki 19 14 8 900
Turku or Tampere 8 7 4 500
Oulu 4 2 1 300
70 000 - 150 000 inhabitants town 13 19 12 100
Urban municipality 27 26 16 600
Conurbation 15 14 8 900
Countryside 13 18 11 500
Source: NRS 2024
How often different content is read All 15+ % Magazine Readers % Amount of readers
The frequency of reading: Print magazines Daily 14 46 29 300
5-6 days a week 4 10 6 400
1-4 days a week 25 27 17 200
Monthly 24 10 6 400
Rarely 24 5 3 200
Never 8 1 600
Can not say 1 0 0
The frequency of reading: Magazine content in digital format Daily 22 19 12 100
5-6 days a week 6 7 4 500
1-4 days a week 19 14 8 900
Monthly 15 7 4 500
Rarely 23 26 16 600
Never 14 24 15 300
Can not say 1 3 1 900
The frequency of reading: Print newspapers or afternoon papers Daily 28 60 38 200
5-6 days a week 4 4 2 500
1-4 days a week 23 24 15 300
Monthly 14 3 1 900
Rarely 23 7 4 500
Never 8 1 600
Can not say 1 1 600
The frequency of reading: Newspaper or afternoon paper content in digital format Daily 54 36 22 900
5-6 days a week 10 6 3 800
1-4 days a week 16 19 12 100
Monthly 6 3 1 900
Rarely 9 20 12 700
Never 6 16 10 200
Can not say 1 0 0
The frequency of reading: Free and free delivery newspapers Daily 5 5 3 200
5-6 days a week 4 7 4 500
1-4 days a week 42 62 39 500
Monthly 18 10 6 400
Rarely 22 13 8 300
Never 9 4 2 500
Can not say 1 0 0
The frequency of watching: Free online TV services Daily 16 17 10 800
5-6 days a week 10 10 6 400
1-4 days a week 30 18 11 500
Monthly 23 18 11 500
Rarely 14 15 9 600
Never 6 20 12 700
Can not say 1 2 1 300
The frequency of watching: Pay TV and streaming services Daily 15 8 5 100
5-6 days a week 10 1 600
1-4 days a week 22 11 7 000
Monthly 10 3 1 900
Rarely 12 10 6 400
Never 30 67 42 700
Can not say 1 0 0
The frequency of watching: Programs of YLE (national broadcaster) TV channels Daily 44 76 48 400
5-6 days a week 10 8 5 100
1-4 days a week 20 11 7 000
Monthly 12 1 600
Rarely 11 2 1 300
Never 3 2 1 300
Can not say 0 0 0
The frequency of watching: Programs of commercial TV channels Daily 34 44 28 000
5-6 days a week 12 11 7 000
1-4 days a week 23 25 15 900
Monthly 12 7 4 500
Rarely 13 7 4 500
Never 6 7 4 500
Can not say 0 0 0
The frequency of listening: Programs of YLE (national broadcaster) radio-channels Daily 21 41 26 100
5-6 days a week 7 12 7 600
1-4 days a week 16 13 8 300
Monthly 13 6 3 800
Rarely 26 16 10 200
Never 16 11 7 000
Can not say 1 0 0
The frequency of listening: Programs of commercial radio channels Daily 16 14 8 900
5-6 days a week 9 4 2 500
1-4 days a week 22 14 8 900
Monthly 14 6 3 800
Rarely 22 31 19 700
Never 16 30 19 100
Can not say 1 1 600
The frequency of listening: Podcasts Daily 5 4 2 500
5-6 days a week 3 1 600
1-4 days a week 10 2 1 300
Monthly 14 7 4 500
Rarely 29 24 15 300
Never 38 59 37 600
Can not say 2 2 1 300
User frequency and following: Social media Daily 59 43 27 400
5-6 days a week 7 7 4 500
1-4 days a week 7 7 4 500
Monthly 3 3 1 900
Rarely 6 6 3 800
Never 17 35 22 300
Can not say 0 0 0
User frequency and following: Bloggers, YouTubers, or social media influencers Daily 13 2 1 300
5-6 days a week 6 2 1 300
1-4 days a week 12 5 3 200
Monthly 8 5 3 200
Rarely 21 22 14 000
Never 40 64 40 800
Can not say 1 0 0
User frequency: Instant messaging Daily 69 44 28 000
5-6 days a week 10 14 8 900
1-4 days a week 9 17 10 800
Monthly 3 5 3 200
Rarely 3 5 3 200
Never 6 14 8 900
Can not say 0 0 0
Daily 16 30 19 100
5-6 days a week 6 9 5 700
1-4 days a week 14 19 12 100
Monthly 22 13 8 300
Rarely 35 23 14 700
Never 7 5 3 200
Can not say 0 1 600
Daily 3 2 1 300
5-6 days a week 2 2 1 300
1-4 days a week 4 1 600
Monthly 7 3 1 900
Rarely 30 22 14 000
Never 53 71 45 200
Can not say 1 0 0
Daily 6 4 2 500
5-6 days a week 3 1 600
1-4 days a week 5 3 1 900
Monthly 8 4 2 500
Rarely 23 19 12 100
Never 55 69 44 000
Can not say 1 0 0
Daily 19 5 3 200
5-6 days a week 9 5 3 200
1-4 days a week 23 13 8 300
Monthly 22 20 12 700
Rarely 18 27 17 200
Never 10 29 18 500
Can not say 0 2 1 300
Daily 4 0 0
5-6 days a week 2 1 600
1-4 days a week 7 3 1 900
Monthly 7 2 1 300
Rarely 12 7 4 500
Never 61 73 46 500
Cant say / No answer 7 15 9 600
Daily 41 39 24 800
5-6 days a week 8 7 4 500
1-4 days a week 10 10 6 400
Monthly 6 4 2 500
Rarely 8 4 2 500
Never 22 26 16 600
Cant say / No answer 4 11 7 000
Daily 31 12 7 600
5-6 days a week 6 3 1 900
1-4 days a week 9 6 3 800
Monthly 5 4 2 500
Rarely 10 15 9 600
Never 34 50 31 800
Cant say / No answer 5 11 7 000
Daily 14 2 1 300
5-6 days a week 2 0 0
1-4 days a week 3 1 600
Monthly 2 0 0
Rarely 5 3 1 900
Never 69 81 51 600
Cant say / No answer 5 13 8 300
Daily 6 1 600
5-6 days a week 2 1 600
1-4 days a week 5 3 1 900
Monthly 5 3 1 900
Rarely 12 8 5 100
Never 65 72 45 900
Cant say / No answer 5 12 7 600
Daily 10 1 600
5-6 days a week 3 2 1 300
1-4 days a week 4 1 600
Monthly 3 2 1 300
Rarely 9 7 4 500
Never 68 76 48 400
Cant say / No answer 5 12 7 600
Source: NRS 2024
Consumer claims All 15+ % Magazine Readers % Amount of readers
I enjoy shopping Completely agree 13 14 8 900
Partially agree 44 42 26 800
Partially disagree 31 33 21 000
Completely disagree 10 10 6 400
Can not say 2 2 1 300
I prefer domestic products Completely agree 32 44 28 000
Partially agree 55 49 31 200
Partially disagree 10 5 3 200
Completely disagree 1 0 0
Can not say 1 2 1 300
I consciously make responsible choices in my consumption Completely agree 19 29 18 500
Partially agree 55 60 38 200
Partially disagree 19 9 5 700
Completely disagree 4 1 600
Can not say 3 1 600
When shopping, quality is more important to me than price Completely agree 22 22 14 000
Partially agree 57 62 39 500
Partially disagree 17 12 7 600
Completely disagree 2 3 1 900
Can not say 2 1 600
I usually choose the cheapest option Completely agree 12 11 7 000
Partially agree 47 52 33 100
Partially disagree 34 29 18 500
Completely disagree 6 7 4 500
Can not say 1 1 600
I often take advantage of discount and campaign prices in my purchases Completely agree 37 41 26 100
Partially agree 51 49 31 200
Partially disagree 9 9 5 700
Completely disagree 2 2 1 300
Can not say 1 0 0
In my circle of friends, I am often the first to try new things Completely agree 6 2 1 300
Partially agree 25 17 10 800
Partially disagree 38 43 27 400
Completely disagree 24 32 20 400
Can not say 7 6 3 800
In my opinion, money is for consumption and not for saving Completely agree 5 4 2 500
Partially agree 35 33 21 000
Partially disagree 46 48 30 600
Completely disagree 11 13 8 300
Can not say 3 2 1 300
I prefer local shops and services Completely agree 27 44 28 000
Partially agree 57 52 33 100
Partially disagree 12 3 1 900
Completely disagree 2 0 0
Can not say 2 0 0
I want to see advertising targeted to me based on my online behavior Completely agree 4 3 1 900
Partially agree 28 24 15 300
Partially disagree 31 26 16 600
Completely disagree 32 42 26 800
Can not say 5 6 3 800
When I want a certain brand of product, the price doesn't matter Completely agree 9 10 6 400
Partially agree 32 33 21 000
Partially disagree 37 32 20 400
Completely disagree 22 23 14 700
Can not say 2 3 1 900
I prefer certified products in my purchases (e.g. Fairtrade, The Nordic Swan Ecolabel, Avainlippu) Completely agree 17 28 17 800
Partially agree 50 53 33 800
Partially disagree 24 13 8 300
Completely disagree 6 4 2 500
Can not say 3 3 1 900
Ecology is an important purchase reason for me Completely agree 16 21 13 400
Partially agree 51 62 39 500
Partially disagree 24 12 7 600
Completely disagree 7 2 1 300
Can not say 3 4 2 500
I prefer well-known brands Completely agree 12 12 7 600
Partially agree 57 59 37 600
Partially disagree 23 18 11 500
Completely disagree 5 7 4 500
Can not say 3 4 2 500
Source: NRS 2024
Attitude towards advertising in different media channels All 15+ % Magazine Readers % Amount of readers
Newspapers Very positive 13 15 9 600
Quite positively 63 66 42 000
Quite negatively 15 12 7 600
Very negative 4 2 1 300
Can not say 5 5 3 200
Magazines Very positive 14 16 10 200
Quite positively 61 59 37 600
Quite negatively 16 17 10 800
Very negative 4 3 1 900
Can not say 6 5 3 200
Free and local newspapers Very positive 24 28 17 800
Quite positively 57 58 36 900
Quite negatively 10 10 6 400
Very negative 3 1 600
Can not say 5 4 2 500
Newspaper/Magazine websites or applications Very positive 7 6 3 800
Quite positively 47 37 23 600
Quite negatively 28 24 15 300
Very negative 9 6 3 800
Can not say 8 27 17 200
Social media (Facebook, Instagram etc.) Very positive 6 4 2 500
Quite positively 34 31 19 700
Quite negatively 32 23 14 700
Very negative 16 12 7 600
Can not say 13 31 19 700
Blogs Very positive 4 2 1 300
Quite positively 27 22 14 000
Quite negatively 28 18 11 500
Very negative 15 11 7 000
Can not say 27 47 29 900
Newsletters to email Very positive 2 1 600
Quite positively 18 16 10 200
Quite negatively 34 37 23 600
Very negative 43 39 24 800
Can not say 3 8 5 100
Other websites Very positive 4 1 600
Quite positively 39 28 17 800
Quite negatively 33 29 18 500
Very negative 13 17 10 800
Can not say 11 25 15 900
Commercial TV channels (MTV3, Nelonen, Sub, FOX etc.) Very positive 9 5 3 200
Quite positively 48 43 27 400
Quite negatively 28 30 19 100
Very negative 13 15 9 600
Can not say 4 7 4 500
Commercial radio channels (Radio Nova, SuomiPOP, NRJ, Iskelmä etc.) Very positive 5 3 1 900
Quite positively 36 35 22 300
Quite negatively 33 31 19 700
Very negative 19 23 14 700
Can not say 6 9 5 700
Home delivered advertisements and catalogues Very positive 20 22 14 000
Quite positively 47 52 33 100
Quite negatively 16 11 7 000
Very negative 13 10 6 400
Can not say 4 6 3 800
Out-of-home advertising Very positive 12 6 3 800
Quite positively 53 46 29 300
Quite negatively 20 24 15 300
Very negative 7 9 5 700
Can not say 7 15 9 600
Source: NRS 2024
Reading device and advertising effect All 15+ % Magazine Readers % Amount of readers
I relax and get inspired by magazines Completely agree 17 19 12 100
Partially agree 61 66 42 000
Partially disagree 11 7 4 500
Completely disagree 4 4 2 500
Can not say 7 3 1 900
Completely agree 17 17 10 800
Partially agree 58 64 40 800
Partially disagree 14 11 7 000
Completely disagree 5 4 2 500
Can not say 7 5 3 200
A professional magazine keeps me up to date on professional matters Completely agree 22 19 12 100
Partially agree 48 47 29 900
Partially disagree 12 10 6 400
Completely disagree 5 5 3 200
Can not say 13 18 11 500
The industry specialty magazine provides information on my hobbies and interests Completely agree 31 27 17 200
Partially agree 50 57 36 300
Partially disagree 7 5 3 200
Completely disagree 3 2 1 300
Can not say 9 9 5 700
Finnish magazines offer reliable comparisons and tests Completely agree 16 18 11 500
Partially agree 52 54 34 400
Partially disagree 14 13 8 300
Completely disagree 3 4 2 500
Can not say 15 12 7 600
Finnish magazines offer reliable product recommendations Completely agree 10 10 6 400
Partially agree 54 56 35 700
Partially disagree 18 16 10 200
Completely disagree 3 5 3 200
Can not say 15 14 8 900
Finnish magazines are of high quality Completely agree 22 31 19 700
Partially agree 59 61 38 900
Partially disagree 9 4 2 500
Completely disagree 2 1 600
Can not say 8 2 1 300
I follow important magazines on social media Completely agree 7 4 2 500
Partially agree 25 26 16 600
Partially disagree 25 20 12 700
Completely disagree 34 38 24 200
Can not say 9 12 7 600
I read important magazines from cover to cover Completely agree 18 25 15 900
Partially agree 34 47 29 900
Partially disagree 28 17 10 800
Completely disagree 16 9 5 700
Can not say 5 2 1 300
Ads in magazines make new things familiar Completely agree 10 16 10 200
Partially agree 50 46 29 300
Partially disagree 24 19 12 100
Completely disagree 8 11 7 000
Can not say 8 8 5 100
Completely agree 10 10 6 400
Partially agree 36 32 20 400
Partially disagree 24 20 12 700
Completely disagree 23 29 18 500
Can not say 8 9 5 700
I have purchased products based on the ad in magazine Completely agree 9 8 5 100
Partially agree 36 37 23 600
Partially disagree 26 24 15 300
Completely disagree 22 24 15 300
Can not say 6 7 4 500
I'm trying out tips or guidelines (like recipes) in magazine ads Completely agree 13 17 10 800
Partially agree 49 54 34 400
Partially disagree 20 17 10 800
Completely disagree 13 11 7 000
Can not say 5 2 1 300
I'm experimenting with product samples in magazines (like food or cosmetics) Completely agree 9 12 7 600
Partially agree 29 36 22 900
Partially disagree 29 24 15 300
Completely disagree 27 24 15 300
Can not say 6 4 2 500
Completely agree 2 0 0
Partially agree 19 9 5 700
Partially disagree 33 35 22 300
Completely disagree 38 40 25 500
Can not say 9 16 10 200
Completely agree 16 23 14 700
Partially agree 40 46 29 300
Partially disagree 23 15 9 600
Completely disagree 12 8 5 100
Can not say 8 9 5 700
Source: NRS 2024
Use of information sources during the purchase process All 15+ % Magazine Readers % Amount of readers
Information sources, cars and car purchase Print magazines 11 15 9 600
Newspapers 13 25 15 900
Magazine websites 7 4 2 500
Newspaper websites 8 8 5 100
Blogs 3 1 600
Social media 14 5 3 200
Other websites 42 21 13 400
Television 10 13 8 300
Radio 2 3 1 900
Direct mail 10 13 8 300
None of these 40 48 30 600
Information sources, consumer electronics and information technology Print magazines 15 24 15 300
Newspapers 18 31 19 700
Magazine websites 10 6 3 800
Newspaper websites 11 9 5 700
Blogs 6 1 600
Social media 26 8 5 100
Other websites 49 28 17 800
Television 17 22 14 000
Radio 3 3 1 900
Direct mail 36 47 29 900
None of these 17 19 12 100
Information sources, beauty care and cosmetics Print magazines 18 32 20 400
Newspapers 8 19 12 100
Magazine websites 10 10 6 400
Newspaper websites 6 9 5 700
Blogs 8 4 2 500
Social media 28 14 8 900
Other websites 16 9 5 700
Television 14 20 12 700
Radio 2 2 1 300
Direct mail 17 26 16 600
None of these 45 40 25 500
Information sources, travel Print magazines 16 28 17 800
Newspapers 15 31 19 700
Magazine websites 10 5 3 200
Newspaper websites 10 7 4 500
Blogs 11 4 2 500
Social media 34 21 13 400
Other websites 47 29 18 500
Television 16 17 10 800
Radio 3 2 1 300
Direct mail 9 15 9 600
None of these 27 28 17 800
Information sources, style and fashion Print magazines 23 43 27 400
Newspapers 13 22 14 000
Magazine websites 13 13 8 300
Newspaper websites 8 9 5 700
Blogs 9 4 2 500
Social media 34 17 10 800
Other websites 33 20 12 700
Television 18 19 12 100
Radio 2 2 1 300
Direct mail 25 34 21 700
None of these 29 26 16 600
Information sources, building and renovating Print magazines 19 21 13 400
Newspapers 15 22 14 000
Magazine websites 9 5 3 200
Newspaper websites 8 8 5 100
Blogs 6 2 1 300
Social media 23 8 5 100
Other websites 32 18 11 500
Television 18 21 13 400
Radio 2 2 1 300
Direct mail 27 33 21 000
None of these 33 39 24 800
Information sources, food, cooking and baking Print magazines 36 54 34 400
Newspapers 26 41 26 100
Magazine websites 22 15 9 600
Newspaper websites 20 14 8 900
Blogs 14 5 3 200
Social media 42 18 11 500
Other websites 33 19 12 100
Television 28 29 18 500
Radio 6 6 3 800
Direct mail 27 37 23 600
None of these 12 11 7 000
Information sources, eyeglasses, contact lenses or sunglasses Print magazines 7 15 9 600
Newspapers 11 26 16 600
Magazine websites 3 5 3 200
Newspaper websites 6 8 5 100
Blogs 1 0 0
Social media 10 9 5 700
Other websites 25 13 8 300
Television 12 15 9 600
Radio 2 1 600
Direct mail 17 23 14 700
None of these 52 43 27 400
Information sources, decorating and furniture purchases Print magazines 23 32 20 400
Newspapers 16 23 14 700
Magazine websites 11 9 5 700
Newspaper websites 8 9 5 700
Blogs 8 1 600
Social media 28 10 6 400
Other websites 30 14 8 900
Television 18 19 12 100
Radio 2 1 600
Direct mail 30 37 23 600
None of these 26 24 15 300
Information sources, saving and investing Print magazines 9 10 6 400
Newspapers 11 13 8 300
Magazine websites 7 2 1 300
Newspaper websites 10 5 3 200
Blogs 7 1 600
Social media 18 5 3 200
Other websites 30 12 7 600
Television 7 8 5 100
Radio 3 5 3 200
Direct mail 4 4 2 500
None of these 48 65 41 400
Information sources, health and wellbeing products / services Print magazines 14 29 18 500
Newspapers 14 26 16 600
Magazine websites 8 6 3 800
Newspaper websites 8 10 6 400
Blogs 5 3 1 900
Social media 23 18 11 500
Other websites 38 26 16 600
Television 12 15 9 600
Radio 3 5 3 200
Direct mail 16 21 13 400
None of these 37 39 24 800
Information sources, purchase of sportswear, -footwear or -equipment Print magazines 12 23 14 700
Newspapers 18 34 21 700
Magazine websites 7 5 3 200
Newspaper websites 9 12 7 600
Blogs 5 1 600
Social media 24 12 7 600
Other websites 41 22 14 000
Television 14 15 9 600
Radio 2 3 1 900
Direct mail 30 41 26 100
None of these 29 33 21 000
Source: NRS 2024
Buyer profile All 15+ % Magazine Readers % Amount of readers
Interests Cars, motor vehicles 26 9 5 700
Well-being and health 52 74 47 100
Charity work 14 21 13 400
Self development 32 28 17 800
Celebrities 15 22 14 000
Fishing 16 8 5 100
Beauty care and cosmetics 17 34 21 700
Literature 27 52 33 100
Domestic and foreign news 54 62 39 500
Domestic travel 32 29 18 500
Culture 33 52 33 100
Crafts 26 37 23 600
Nature and going outdoor 53 51 32 500
Hunting 10 2 1 300
Style and fashion 22 34 21 700
Music and concerts 37 46 29 300
Going on summer cottage 30 21 13 400
Local affairs 56 77 49 000
Computer/console/mobile playing 17 3 1 900
Politics 41 45 28 700
Gardening and plants 33 52 33 100
Building and renovating 37 20 12 700
Food and drink 40 37 23 600
Cooking, baking, recipes 39 49 31 200
Investment 22 12 7 600
Decorating 30 43 27 400
Economic and finances 35 29 18 500
Science 34 19 12 100
Travelling abroad 35 20 12 700
Sports, exercising 46 33 21 000
Sailing, boating 10 2 1 300
Consumer electronics and information technology 23 6 3 800
Environmental matters 32 29 18 500
None of the above 0 0 0
Purchases made and planned
Planned acquisitions in the househould over the next 2 years Building a house 2 0 0
Buying an apartment 10 5 3 200
Home renovation 29 27 17 200
Buying a car 25 12 7 600
Buying a boat 3 0 0
None of these 50 65 41 400
Purchases in the last 12 months Furniture and furnishings 42 21 13 400
Repair and construction products 40 36 22 900
Domestic appliances 38 36 22 900
Electronics or IT products 49 32 20 400
Cars 18 10 6 400
Clothing and footwear 82 79 50 300
Eyeglasses, contact lenses or sunglasses 35 42 26 800
Sports clothing, footwear or equipment 60 47 29 900
Saving or investing products or services 26 15 9 600
Cosmetics and beauty products 47 50 31 800
Mobile phones 30 23 14 700
Travels 46 35 22 300
Products and services for health and well-being 60 66 42 000
None of the above 2 1 600
Intentions to purchase within 12 months Furniture and furnishings 29 13 8 300
Repair and construction products 34 25 15 900
Domestic appliances 19 14 8 900
Electronics or IT products 28 12 7 600
Cars 14 8 5 100
Clothing and footwear 64 50 31 800
Eyeglasses, contact lenses or sunglasses 28 36 22 900
Sports clothing, footwear or equipment 43 21 13 400
Saving or investing products or services 21 10 6 400
Cosmetics and beauty products 38 39 24 800
Mobile phones 16 12 7 600
Travels 44 35 22 300
Products and services for health and well-being 48 48 30 600
None of the above 7 8 5 100
Will consider switching over the next 12 months Bank 7 5 3 200
Insurance company 10 5 3 200
electric company 20 14 8 900
Internet Connection 9 4 2 500
Phone-subscription 13 9 5 700
None of the above 46 51 32 500
Can not say 19 24 15 300
Uses of extra money Magazines, books, movies 17 21 13 400
Eating, drinking, partying in a restaurant 34 15 9 600
Exercise hobbies and equipment 27 14 8 900
Cultural events (e.g. concerts, theater, festivals) 35 40 25 500
Renovation, decoration 24 23 14 700
Health services and one's own well-being 22 35 22 300
Travelling 42 38 24 200
Entertainment electronics and information technology equipment, mobile phones 15 3 1 900
Clothes, shoes and bags 23 14 8 900
Home services (cleaning and other housekeeping services) 6 17 10 800
Car, boat, motorcycle 12 2 1 300
Cosmetics and beauty care 11 8 5 100
Saving, investing 46 34 21 700
Other 8 11 7 000
There is no extra money after mandatory expenses 7 8 5 100
Can not say 3 4 2 500
Source: NRS 2024

Online & social media

Magazine in Social Media
Average weekly reach & weekly page views
Source: FIAM

The reach figures and the number of weekly pageviews are the averages of the weekly figures for each month. The weeks are determined as part of the numbers of the month in which the greater part of the days of that week fall. Figures for individual weeks can be seen on FIAM's public weekly list.

Some channels and Followers August 2024

Contact info

Media sales

  • Mediamyynti Otavamedia


  • Otavamedia Oy


  • Otavamedia Oy

Vastaava päätoimittaja

  • Erkki Meriluoto


  • Uudenmaankatu 10
  • 00120 Helsinki

Postal address

  • Uudenmaankatu 10
  • 00015 Otavamedia


  • +358 9 15661

