Tee Itse
Kansikuva Tee Itse 2024

Tee Itse

Information package for handy people. Tee Itse is a clear and practical information package for readers who enjoy tinkering and pottering around at home and in the garden. The magazine gives instructions and tips for home renovations, interior design and gardening. The content is enriched by tool and equipment reviews, introductions to new products and price comparisons. Themed issues give additional support to advertising. Tee Itse magazine is kept, almost without exception, and returned to again and again. The readers are ardent absorbers of new things. The reader also has the enthusiasm and skill to turn ideas into reality. As a consumer, the reader is loyal and ambitious, and the importance of money and possessions is emphasized.

Issues per year

20 issues per year

Magazine website


Magazine in Social Media


Issue Issue Booking Date Material Date Themes and info
2 11.1.2024 5.12.2023
3 1.2.2024 21.12.2023
4 22.2.2024 19.1.2024
5 14.3.2024 8.2.2024
6 27.3.2024 23.2.2024
7 11.4.2024 5.3.2024
8 25.4.2024 20.3.2024
9 8.5.2024 4.4.2024
10 23.5.2024 19.4.2024
11 6.6.2024 30.4.2024
12 20.6.2024 15.5.2024
13 11.7.2024 7.6.2024
14 1.8.2024 28.6.2024
15 22.8.2024 19.7.2024
16 12.9.2024 9.8.2024
17 3.10.2024 30.8.2024
18 24.10.2024 20.9.2024
19 14.11.2024 11.10.2024
20 5.12.2024 1.11.2024
1 27.12.2024 22.11.2024

Ei aikatauluja vuodelle 2025.


Ad Placement Size Bleed Price (tax 0%)
2/1 landscape Not specified 410x276 mm *) 5 000 €
1/1 portrait Not specified 205x276 mm *) 2 700 €
1/2 portrait Not specified 100x276 mm *) 1 700 €
1/2 landscape Not specified 205x136 mm *) 1 700 €
1/4 portrait Not specified 90x123 mm *) 1 600 €
*) size without marginal Prices valid until 31.12.2024

205 x 276 mm

Printing method





Bonnier Publications Oy

Delivery of ad material and instructions

www.annonceupload.dk tai minna.hirsimaki@doublem.fi

ICC profile

Technical information

Ilmoitusaineistot / Advertising materials: www.annonceupload.dk tai minna.hirsimaki@doublem.fi Huom! Aineistopäivät ovat ehdottomia. Tarkistettavien aineistojen aineistopäivä 2 päivää ennen aineistopäivää.

Terms of delivery

Check the delivery conditions from the publisher

Ad Placement Size Bleed Price (tax 0%)
Prices valid until 31.12.2024

205 x 276 mm

Printing method





Bonnier Publications Oy

Delivery of ad material and instructions

www.annonceupload.dk tai minna.hirsimaki@doublem.fi

ICC profile

Technical information

Ilmoitusaineistot / Advertising materials: www.annonceupload.dk tai minna.hirsimaki@doublem.fi Huom! Aineistopäivät ovat ehdottomia. Tarkistettavien aineistojen aineistopäivä 2 päivää ennen aineistopäivää.

Terms of delivery

Check the delivery conditions from the publisher

Ad Description Size Price (tax 0%) lisatietoa
Prices valid until 31.12.2024
Ad Description Size Price (tax 0%) lisatietoa
Prices valid until 31.12.2024

Online & social media

Magazine website


Magazine in Social Media
Some channels and Followers August 2024

Contact info

Media sales
  • Double Mind Oy
  • Vattuniemenranta 2
  • 00210 Helsinki

  • Minna Hirsimäki
  • +358 40 836 2594
  • minna.hirsimaki@doublem.fi


  • Bonnier Publications Oy


  • Bonnier Publications Oy


  • Soren Prien


  • Ilmalankatu 2
  • 00240 Helsinki

Postal address

  • PL 1005
  • 00241 Helsinki


  • +358 40 836 2594


  • minna.hirsimaki@doublem.fi