HS Teema
Kansikuva HS Teema 2025

HS Teema

HS Teema is a separately subscribed magazine of Helsingin Sanomat, which delves into society, culture, science and history one topic at a time. In a turbulent world, we try to go deeper and deeper into the topics. HS Teema, published six times a year, is edited and written by the editors of the HS Kuukausiliite. HS Teema reaches readers interested in society, history and culture.

Issues per year

6 issues per year


Issue Issue Booking Date Material Date Themes and info
1 13.2.2025 27.1.2025 30.1.2025 The year 1945. The Second World War ended. What was life like in Finland after the war? The world changed with the introduction of nuclear weapons. The United Nations was founded, giving rise to the current world order.
2 10.4.2025 24.3.2025 27.3.2025 Astrid Lindgren. A beloved children’s author who has been read in Finland for several generations. How did her famous books come to be? Why did Lindgren become one of the world’s most popular writers?
3 12.6.2025 26.5.2025 28.5.2025 The Manors of Finland. A look into Finland’s history, great families, and unique family stories. The power and challenges of manors, scandals, the exercise of power, and money.
4 14.8.2025 28.7.2025 31.7.2025 Espionage. What do espionage and intelligence mean, who practices them and why? How do famous intelligence agencies like Britain’s MI6, America’s CIA, and Israel’s Mossad operate?
5 16.10.2025 29.9.2025 2.10.2025 Oil. The world has been living in the age of oil for nearly 200 years. How was oil formed and how did humanity harness it? The role of giant oil companies and the significance of money. What does the future hold for oil?
6 11.12.2025 24.11.2025 27.11.2025 Ancient Greece. The legacy of antiquity is still evident in Europe today, in our philosophy and thinking. A topic requested by readers.

Ei aikatauluja vuodelle 2026.


Ad Placement Size Bleed Price (tax 0%)
2/1 landscape Not specified 340 x 240 mm 7 796 €
1/1 portrait Not specified 170 x 240 mm 4 318 €
1/2 landscape Not specified 170 x 115 mm 2 897 €
1/2 portrait Not specified 78 x 240 mm 2 897 €
1/4 square Not specified 78 x 115 mm 1 449 €
*) size without marginal Prices valid until 31.12.2025

170 x 240 mm

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Ad Placement Size Bleed Price (tax 0%)
*) size without marginal Prices valid until 31.12.2026

170 x 240 mm

Printing method





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ICC profile

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Ad Description Size Price (tax 0%) lisatietoa
Prices valid until 31.12.2025
Ad Description Size Price (tax 0%) lisatietoa
Prices valid until 31.12.2026

Contact info

  • Mediamyynti Sanoma B2B
  • yrityspalvelu@sanoma.fi


  • Sanoma Media Finland Oy


  • Sanoma Media Finland Oy


  • Töölönlahdenkatu 2
  • 00100 Helsinki

Postal address

  • PL 25
  • 00089 Sanoma

